8 March 2015

One Year, 97 Posts & 300,000 Views Later

The day before yesterday, I had one of those quiet, reflective moments and thought - "this time last year, I didn't even have a blog...". Then, yesterday marked one year of me having my own corner of the blogosphere, and one year since I uploaded my very first blog post on www.meg-says.com. You can find it here if you fancy a look back! The thought is odd to me because I feel as if I've been blogging forever - I did start at fourteen after all, but Meg Says #1 was deleted for some long forgotten reason and it took me years to realise that I never should've stopped blogging in the first place. Once I realised that writing was my passion and I needed an outlet, Meg Says #2 was born. Since 7th March 2014 it has been a crazy ride - there has been ups and downs as well as trials and triumphs - most of which I've shared with you all along the way.

I'd like to say a huge thank you for making this such a welcoming and 'safe' space for me to share my thoughts and glimpses of my life. Looking back on the past year I simply feel an overwhelming sense of gladness and gratitude, towards each and every one of you who have taken the time out of your day to come and read what I have to say. Whether you've read every post since last March or you discovered my blog yesterday, I truly appreciate it and your time is valued more than I could ever express. Thank you to everyone who has left a comment - I can hand on heart promise that I've read - and responded to, I'm 99% sure! - every single one and they've made me so happy.

Blogging has brought amazing opportunities my way and given me inner happiness. With blogging, it can be easy to create a life that looks good on the outside, but I'm so pleased to be able to say that blogging has made my life feel good on the inside - 'behind the scenes', so to speak. It isn't about numbers or the amount of sponsorship deals, it's about connecting with others around the globe and hopefully, helping people. I started this blog thinking, "even if this helps one person, it's worth it" - so to receive emails practically every day from you guys is incredible, and encourages me to keep writing and sharing. Not only do I feel as if I'm making a difference, however small, but blogging is now a lifeline and I feel as if I'm part of a supportive, positive community in which we care about one another. The truth is that I do feel blessed - blessed with the honour of getting to know such lovely people thanks to the internet, and blessed that my family and friends have been so supportive of my new hobby. It's the absolute best.

The fact that I landed a job solely through my blog and now write for a living astonishes me every time I think of it. I have other dreams for the future of course, but if I'm unable to recover from ME in the next few years, it's comforting to know that I've already started a potential career from my bed. Blogging has made me believe in myself more and believe that I have the ability to achieve things, even if I'm bedridden - even if I'm still disabled, I would one day absolutely love to run Meg Says full-time and have the flexibility of working for myself. Who knows, but it's a dream worth dreaming of.

So, here we are; one year, 97 blog posts and 300,000 views later. All I can say is that taking that plunge to begin blogging again last year was the best decision possible - it has brought sunshine into my dark days, and I really cannot wait to see what happens between now and 7th March 2016. Whatever it is, I'm sure this rollercoaster ride will continue to unfold, and I hope you'll be right by my side the entire way.

Thank you!